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Dried fruits

Infused Dried Fruit

IGO Commerce offers a complete line of infused dried fruit ingredients utilizing natural sugar or apple concentrate for infusion, that add real fruit flavor and functionality to a variety of consumer goods.

Product range features traditional favorites including: apple, aronia, apricot, blackberries, black currant 

cranberries, sour cherries, strawberries, raspberries, wild blueberries.

Prunes (Dried Plums) are mechanically shaken off from the trees and dry with hot air in the tunnel dryers up to max 21% moisture- these semi finished prunes are used in the process industry.
To have a final product, prunes are classified and pasteurized with sorbic acid up to max. 35% moisture content. Next prunes are controlled by metal detector and hand-pitted.  

Furthermore we are able to offer lyophilized (freeze) dried berries and fruits

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